


Sunset Fruit's 2024 Summer Vacation Journal -- You're also at Jilin University, right?

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For various reasons, this year's summer vacation started exceptionally early. So on July 12th, I confidently set off to attend this year's AOSCC with the sunset fruit.

Departing from my hometown, after several hours of a long hard seat train ride, I arrived at my first stop of the summer vacation: Beijing.

That afternoon, the weather in Beijing was quite nice. Although it was the height of summer, the sun was not too strong due to the recent rain, and it added a bit of moisture to Beijing's usually dry air.


My stay in Beijing was very brief; I played with the Apple Vision Pro at Wangfujing, met up with friends from Beijing, and after dinner, hurried to Beijing West Station, where we would take the Jingchang benchmark direct train Z61 to the venue of this AOSCC: Jilin University in Changchun.

At 9:20 PM, the train departed on time from Beijing West Station. Shortly after departure, we entered the very long Beijing underground diameter line. In just half an hour, we passed under the city center of Beijing and arrived at Beijing Station.


After a twenty-minute stop at Beijing Station, the train departed again, with the next stop being our destination: Changchun. Thus, with a sense of the unknown, anticipation, and longing, the sunset fruit fell asleep in the sleeper car.

I woke up to find it was already past six o'clock. Still drowsy, I looked out the window and saw a tram; we had arrived in Changchun. The train would soon reach our final destination: Changchun Station.


This was my first time in a proper northern city. Under the influence of the temperate continental monsoon climate, even on a June morning, I could feel a hint of coolness.

Walking and looking around, I soon arrived at the school, and the AOSCC journey officially began.


The biggest impression from this AOSCC was the large number of people. Compared to last year's AOSCC at Shanghai University of Science and Technology, the number of participants this time was almost 30% more, making the atmosphere much livelier.



On the evening of the first day of activities, friends from the group (or rather, me) organized a dance session. Initially, we just wanted to gather a few people to play Dance Dance Revolution, but more and more people joined, and we eventually managed to gather eight people, achieving an eight-person Hand In Hand score on my account. Although we didn't clear any levels, everyone was very happy; after all, how often do you get to gather eight friends from online chats to play a song together?


AOSCC Dance Dance Revolution Score C

By the time we returned to the hotel, it was already ten o'clock at night, but in one of the hotel rooms, a group of friends had gathered (after counting, there should be 19). We initially started discussing RISC-V, but as more people joined, various topics emerged. After exchanging experiences related to KDE with Ice Cat, we also delved into discussions about Linux audio and video production.


Meeting with the big shot

On the second day of AOSCC, the agenda proceeded as usual. Most of the content was fine, but the funniest part was the Deepin presentation, where there were hardly any listeners in the audience; after all, who enjoys listening to the usual corporate jargon from domestic companies?


On the evening of the last day of AOSCC, we decided to do something fun by displaying the AOSC OS homepage on an iPad running a Deepin Windows XP virtual machine. We initially tried to open the homepage directly, but due to SSL certificate issues, the retro IE browser couldn't access the AOSC OS homepage. We then tried local proxies and other methods. After wasting half an hour, we came up with a clever solution: copy and paste the HTML into a pastebin that didn't require HTTPS. So, we really did it:


Happy times are always short-lived, and this AOSCC concluded successfully amidst the laughter and joy of friends. After a brief stop in Shenyang, we headed to the streets of Shenyang:


A drawing of Dila Bear by a certain group friend

After a brief stop in Shenyang, our northern journey came to a close. The total time spent on this trip, including the round trip, was five days. Thanks to every friend who accompanied me along the way.


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